
South Korea popularity shirt

The ancient the wind blowing also began to fall, many people are infatuated with the 60's and 70's amorous feelings. This type of doll brought shirt make you to renew that era of classic. For the white joining together of pink circle brought give a person a kind of lovely classic breath, and khaki pants pleated skirt of tall waist is to let a person fondle admiringly.
Also be the influence of the wind, the waist of recreational money knot shirts and quietly is popular. This type of DouLuSe shirt can highlight female soft line, but also can improve the waist is a waist fine leg long. If you like street mix build the wind, this shirt will also be your dot eyeball of the election.
White shirt is absolutely timeless classic, clean and neat. Shirt hubble-bubble sleeve and highlight the women's melting and lovely. The color is tie-in a naked bud shorts, you just like ray warm Yang breeze early autumn.

